Wed 6/29
    • Event Dates
    • Wed 6/29 * 10:00 am
  • Event name
    Rosedale St, opposite Fletcher St in Nambucca Heads
  • microdata

  • <p>10am to 11am Wednesdays continuing A series of slow gently flowing movements that lead to more vigour, flexibility, balance, mobility and a sense of wellbeing. Beneficial health impacts the heart, mind, bones, nerves, muscles and the immune system. More medically focused than Tai Chi. $3 for each of the first 3 sessions then $10 per ... </p>\n<p class="read-more-container"><a title="MEDICAL QIGONG EXERCISES FOR BEGINNERS OR LAPSED STUDENTS" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on MEDICAL QIGONG EXERCISES FOR BEGINNERS OR LAPSED STUDENTS">Read more</a></p>\n